
My name is Trevor Nagler and this is my blog! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it.

8 responses to “About

  1. pclovinu

    Thank you for visiting my blog. Enjoying yours as well.

  2. You seem to have pretty diverse taste in movies, and I can’t help but want to nominate a personal favorite for your list — “So I Married an Axe Murderer”

    Ridiculous, or ridiculously funny… You decide 🙂

  3. Hi. You have just received a ‘One Lovely Blog’ award. One of my favourite topics…movies 🙂

    And The Award Goes To…

  4. So you studied script writing in college. Have any luck with it? I’ve entered contests and am improving my craft and striving for my “big break.” I’ve been writing scripts for 5 years now, and hope to see my name on the big screen real soon.

  5. Joanna

    Thanks for dropping by! Very interesting blog you got there, keep it up! 🙂

  6. thank you for dropping by my blog, and i love movies too, tho mostly i watched from other people recommendation my list is long, maybe you have seen some, quite random genre and i might name it wrong, based on my memories : Das Leben Die Anderen, Mountain Patrol, The Burning Season, North Country, Burn After Reading, Pineapple Express, Keeping Mum, Not One dLess, The Way Home, The Motorcycle Diary. Okie thats is =D i didnt name the animation, i love animation =)


  7. First of all, thank you for “Liking” my post and second of all who wouldn’t want to see ‘Back to the Future?’

  8. Thanks for stopping by Pinball Donut Girl. I like your posts too!

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